Tuesday, January 03, 2006

2006: The year of transformation

Every January I feel like spring cleaning. It’s time to take down the Yule decorations, throw the last lingering scraps of wrapping paper away, toss out the food we didn’t eat during the holidays and generally just freshen up the house. Perhaps in colder climates this urge hits when the weather warms up. But for me here in Central California, amidst the rain storms and fog, I want to start anew.

Like so many others during this time of year, I’m thinking about my weight and health. I’m mentally going through the challenges that lie ahead this year for me to make my transformation. I’m not alone in this. My husband Jimmy is right along side of me. Yesterday was our last day of fast food for a year (not that we plan to take it up regularly ever again). We’ll be working on solutions to nights I don’t want to cook or days I feel the needs to suck down sweets by the pound. He does pretty well if it’s not in the house, so we’re mostly working on me not bringing it into the house.

We’re also working on changing our family dynamics. I believe we’re going to resurrect the dusty volleyball net, go on more family walks and play some ball. Physical activity here pretty much consists of sitting on our collective asses. Not to say we’ll give up TV, the computer or video games. We’ll just incorporate them into our more active lifestyle.

So yadda, yadda, yadda. We’re willing and we want to try and keep on trying. Of course by this time next week, we could be the bitchiest people on the planet. I wouldn’t stop by for a visit for at least a month. We’re going the South Beach route.

I put on some weight this holiday season but caught myself. I’ve taken it back off plus a bit more. 266 baby! I can’t wait to see the 50’s.

Every year tends to have a theme for me, at least for the last three. The year 2003 was a year of Wonder, last year was a year of Growth (and NO, not in our bellies – well maybe just a leetle) and this year will be the year of Transformation.

Good luck and good planning to all of you out there facing similar challenges! If you have success, let me know! I could always use more inspiration!