Thursday, December 15, 2005

Backhanded Progress?

For the first time in my life, I feel guilty about what I eat. I had chow mein with sweet and sour pork on day 3 of the new 90-days-makes-a-habit gig. I've never felt guilty before. Ever.
Is this a good thing? 
I did two days in a row of the Gazelle and kaput.
Yup, I know. Must get back on it. Again.
The culprit this time (and again) is PMS. Do other women suffer this as badly? I've only had less than two years of regularity -- so not sure what's normal and what's not. I could just be plain crazy. Mexican food from El Pollo Loco was on day four.
I feel guilty. Again.
At least today I skipped on the mashed potatoes.